Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Environmental Impact of Overconsumption
Living in North America, we are very fortunate to have the luxury to buy whatever we want, whenever we want without little thought to how that purchase affects anyone or thing. We have marketing all around us to make us believe that we need the next ‘have to have’ item. With this level of in-your […]
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The False Claims of Food Packaging: Recyclability and Producer Responsibility
Packaging on food is one way that food manufacturers make their product more alluring to consumers. Whether the goal is to make it more convenient for families on the go or to actually get consumers to buy it in the first place (with colourful marketing gimmicks), food packaging is everywhere. The amount of food […]
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The Local Food Movement: Why Buying Local is Best for the Environment
Did you know in this system of food globalization, food has to travel an average of 2500km before it reaches the plate of a Canadian household? This is for every meal, for every member of your household. The amount of time, packaging and fuel that goes into moving food from farm to table is naturally […]
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Water Scarcity & Conservation: Ways to Save Water
Water conservation has been a trending topic for decades. In the earliest environmental and sustainability discussions and debates, water conservation was, and continues to be, at the forefront. I think this is because water is vital to all living organisms, including ourselves, humans. Without access to fresh, clean water, we would not be able […]
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Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste Through Everyday Plastic Saving Products
Plastic waste is everywhere. Plastic, of all kinds, is found in almost every product we consume as Canadians. Even if we try to avoid it, it is lurking and hiding in a lot of everyday products that we all use. From making your morning coffee, to doing your weekend laundry, consuming plastic products is unavoidable. […]
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Pollinators: The Most Important Creatures You Didn’t Even Know About
When most people think of pollinators, they likely think of the honeybee – the most established pollinator of its category group. Surprisingly, they are just one of many common pollinators here in Ontario that go unrecognized for stabilizing our ecosystem and food security. Pollinators are everywhere, and include animals such as bats, small mammals, butterflies […]
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The Environmental Impact of Organic Waste in the Landfill: Why Diverting Your Organic Waste is so Important
Although we have touched on this topic briefly in previous blog posts, it is important to address solely, as food waste is not going anywhere, anytime soon. Naturally, this topic hits close to home for us, as it is important and imperative to our business for a variety of reasons. Many of us, […]
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Littering Pollution
In previous blog posts, we have discussed the implications of littering food waste, but never touched on the significant impact of all other litter (garbage/recycling) on the environment. It is almost hard to believe that people still litter and illegally dump when garbage and recycling bins are so widely available. However, it is hard to […]
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Sustainable Packaging
Packaging of products and goods tends to be excessive in today’s marketplace, mainly for convenience to compliment our busy on-the-go lifestyles, and of course, for marketing purposes. In past blog posts, we have discussed packaging and highlighted the impact it has on the environment due to its un-recyclability. However, what if this packaging was actually […]
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Landfill vs. Waste to Energy Incineration
An ongoing debate that has spanned many decades within the environmental community is that involving garbage. More specifically, it revolves around what should be done with garbage, as it is an on-going, never ending, problem we face as a society. Traditionally, all garbage went into the landfill, and still does, for the majority of communities. […]
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