The Environmental Impact of Organic Waste in the Landfill: Why Diverting Your Organic Waste is so Important
Although we have touched on this topic briefly in previous blog posts, it is important to address solely, as food waste is not going anywhere, anytime soon. Naturally, this topic hits close to home for us, as it is important and imperative to our business for a variety of reasons. Many of us, […]
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Littering Pollution
In previous blog posts, we have discussed the implications of littering food waste, but never touched on the significant impact of all other litter (garbage/recycling) on the environment. It is almost hard to believe that people still litter and illegally dump when garbage and recycling bins are so widely available. However, it is hard to […]
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Sustainable Packaging
Packaging of products and goods tends to be excessive in today’s marketplace, mainly for convenience to compliment our busy on-the-go lifestyles, and of course, for marketing purposes. In past blog posts, we have discussed packaging and highlighted the impact it has on the environment due to its un-recyclability. However, what if this packaging was actually […]
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Landfill vs. Waste to Energy Incineration
An ongoing debate that has spanned many decades within the environmental community is that involving garbage. More specifically, it revolves around what should be done with garbage, as it is an on-going, never ending, problem we face as a society. Traditionally, all garbage went into the landfill, and still does, for the majority of communities. […]
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Greenwashing: What is it? Why do Companies do it? & How to Avoid it!
Greenwashing is a term many have heard of, but perhaps do not know the true meaning behind. It is certainly one of those buzzwords that float around the environmental landscape, but is rarely thought about in depth. However, it is certainly an important concept to know and look out for, as greenwashing is a […]
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Sustainable Food Choices: Top 10 Sustainable Foods
When navigating the grocery store, likely the last thing on your mind is the sustainability of the foods and goods you are purchasing. Although this is not on the minds of the average consumer, perhaps it should be. In general, there are many foods that are just more sustainable than others from both a production […]
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We Have an EV Charging Station!
Davidson Environmental now has a free public electric vehicle charging station. We welcome all electric vehicles that need a quick charge in St. Catharines. We have a 220-volt, 40 amp, J1772 type electric plug available for use 24hrs a day. Search “Davidson Environmental” on the PlugShare app to find our location! See you soon
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Your Guide to Becoming a Zero Waste Business
A buzzword amongst the environmental community, ‘Zero Waste’ has been a trendy word that businesses, and individuals alike, have begun to strive for in their everyday lives. Although it is a buzzword, zero waste is an actual goal/achievement that businesses can set for themselves, and reach, with the right parameters in place. We have […]
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Why Should We Care About the Environment? Reasons for Environmental Awareness and Protection
In our blog posts here at Davidson Environmental, we focus a lot of our topics on different environmental issues and what we as society can do to lessen our environmental burden. As an inherently environmental company, we uphold the on-going idea that protecting the environment is something that everyone collectively wants to participate in. However, […]
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Fast Fashion
As a society, we all wear a variety of clothing day to day based on on-going fashion trends, our own personal style and let’s face it, a good clothing sale. Keeping up our wardrobe to the trends, especially for us ladies, is something that has been instilled in us from an early age and is […]
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