
We Are Dreaming of a Green Christmas!

How to Have an Eco-Friendly Christmas With the holiday season coming up, it is time to start thinking how we can fit the environment into our Christmas plans.  It is time to seize the opportunity to change some of our habits & traditions and curb our environmental impact during the holiday season. The Celebration & […]
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Reusable Shopping Bag, Plastic Free, Eco Living And Zero Waste Concept, New Year Resolution, Sustainable Living

12 Plastic Items to Replace at Your Own Pace

In our last blog post, we discussed the on-going debate of reusable vs disposable items, including but not limited to coffee cups, bags and containers. This debate is complex and multi-level (read our last blog post if you haven’t!) but there are some key items that the average ‘sustainable’ consumer should integrate into their everyday […]
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Clear Disposable Plastic Bag On Yellow Background Vs Eco Tote Bags

Reusable vs. Disposable – What is truly better for the environment?

As we move away from single use plastics here in Canada (the Trudeau government plans on banning single use plastics by 2021), many companies have chosen to provide their customers and clients with alternative product counterparts that are either reusable or biodegradable/compostable/degradable. While we are all for the biodegradable/compostable/degradable products, we question the sustainability of […]
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The Year of Disposables – How to Keep the Environment in Mind During these Unprecedented Times

With Stage 3 around the corner for us here in Ontario, individuals and businesses have had to rethink how they conduct everyday tasks to protect their families, employees, customers, and clients from contracting or spreading COVID-19. With these safety protocols in place, many businesses and individuals have chosen to switch to disposable products to ensure […]
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Littering Food & Food Waste: It is Still Littering!

All food decomposes like any other living organism through the growth of bacteria and fungi. As food decomposes, it is reverted back into organic soil nutrients to allow the cycle of growth, decomposition, and nutrient replenishment to continue. All this would lead you to believe that throwing a banana peel out of the window of […]
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Still Good? Best Before Vs. Expiration Dates Explained

Someone in Canada, right now as you read this, is throwing away a perfectly good food item because it has surpassed its best before date. Throwing out food prior to its expiration has negative affects on the environment and humankind alike, due to the heavy agricultural use and excess greenhouse gas emissions. According to the […]
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Organics Recycling in Your Office – Set it Up for Success

With the Ontario organics ban set to come into affect in 2022 (if you don’t know about this yet, please refer to our previous blog posts), its time to start getting employees and co-workers on board with organics recycling practices. Being in the organics business ourselves, we have heard all kinds of excuses as to […]
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Camping Season – Creating a Low Impact Camping Experience

Camping is a fun, seasonal, summer activity but it does impact the environment in ways that one might not consider – waste. Not only do you break you and your families recycling routine by adjusting to new city program, but many things that are considered ‘camping friendly’ are heavily packaged (usually in non-recyclable material).  This […]
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The Resource Recovery & Circular Economy Act, the Waste Free Ontario Act & the Waste Diversion Transition Act – What They Mean for You, Your Business & The Province

Looking towards the future of waste and its direct correlation to natural resources in Ontario, the provincial government has designed & released a Resource Recovery & Circular Economy Act, the Waste Free Ontario Act, as well as the Waste Diversion Transition Act, which will significantly affect the way business and residential waste is handled. In […]
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Food Packaging: The Implications of Food Packaging on Organics Recycling and Waste Diversion

As life continues to get busier, food convenience becomes more attractive to the millions of ‘on-the-go’ families across Canada. Whether its to get the kids off to school, to get yourself off to work or after-hours activities, it seems like most meals, especially snacks, need to be ‘on-the-go’ friendly. For food manufactures and food service […]
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