Chuck It

Chuck it in the bucket

Contamination is often seen as the biggest hurdle in organics recycling, making composting seem like a hassle. But at Davidson Environmental, we turn this challenge into an opportunity! With us, mixed mediums are no problem at all. So go ahead, throw in that coffee cup, meat packaging, boxed cereal, or juice box. We process all […]
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Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July

Hold on! Don’t call me crazy yet. Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. Their aim is to reduce the use of plastics. A small change can make a big difference. Think of eliminating the use of one plastic product for the […]
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A Credit Card A Week

A Dozen Ways to Reduce Microplastics

All materials break down over time including plastics. Rather than breaking down into biodegradable matter, plastics break down into long-lingering fragments called micro-plastics. These can be shed from: plastic waste weathered by the elements, washing clothes, glitter, cosmetics, carpets, paint, furniture, and even your car tires. Our environment is therefore flooded with micro-plastics. They are […]
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Eco Camping

Leave No Trace – Eco Friendly Camping

Camping Season – Creating a Low Impact Camping Experience Camping is a fun, seasonal, summer activity which takes a little mindfulness to do without impacting the environment.  This blog will help you navigate campsite recycling systems and will share some ways you can make your next camping experience have a low impact on the environment […]
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Davidson Village Compost

We are Growing

Announcing exciting news: Davidson Environmental has acquired Village Compost. We at Davidson Environmental are delighted to announce the acquisition of Village Compost.    Village Compost is a company that has provided organic collection service in the region of London Ontario for 12 years.  They are proud of their track-record of collecting 1,262,300 pounds of food waste […]
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10 Reasons To Recycle Infographic

Benefits of Recycling – 10 Reasons to Recycle

Recycling is a key component of a circular economy where waste materials are repurposed and reintegrated into the production cycle. By recycling, we can significantly reduce the burden on natural resources, minimize waste generation, and mitigate environmental damage. Recycling food waste (the one near and dear to us here at Davidson Environmental), paper, plastic, glass […]
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Food Waste: Is it Waste?

Food waste, and creating food waste, is often marketed in a negative light (from both government and media outlets), with many campaigns providing ways to reduce or eliminate food waste. What if all this negative hype around food waste wasn’t entirely true? The buzz around food waste from government and media outlets is abundantly clear […]
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Disposable Vs. Reusable

Reusable vs. Disposable – What is truly better for the environment? There is a strong movement toward responsible plastic use in Canada which has led many companies to develop alternative products that are either reusable or biodegradable/compostable/degradable.  While we are all for the biodegradable/compostable/degradable products, we question the sustainability of more reusable products entering the […]
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Where Does Your Food Waste Go Photo

Where Does Your Food Waste Go?

Where Does Your Food Waste Go? Posted February 15, 2024 An Overview of What Davidson Environmental Does with Your Waste! You may be one of our customers, or you may just be interested in our service – either way, this blog post will take you through exactly what we do with your food waste when […]
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Sustainable Travel (3)

The Battle of Straws: Paper vs. Plastic vs. Bioplastic and the Environmental Impact

In recent years, the environmental impact of plastic pollution has become a global concern, prompting individuals and businesses alike to seek sustainable alternatives. One such battleground in the war against plastic is the realm of drinking straws. Traditional plastic straws, once a staple in every beverage, are facing stiff competition from their eco-friendly counterparts, the […]
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