Air Pollution By Smoke Coming Out Of Factory Chimney. Ecologica

Greenhouse Gas Emissions & the Environment

You have probably heard the term Greenhouse Gas emissions before, or have seen or read greenhouse gases abbreviation, GHGs. GHGs are widely spoken about, oftentimes in relation to climate change or ozone layer depletion. It is a very popular term in the sustainability or environmental world, as GHGs are the direct cause of climate change. […]
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Hydrogen Logo On Gas Station. H2 Combustion Engine For Emission

Phasing Out Petroleum: The Push For Zero-Emissions Vehicles in Canada

The Canadian government has currently set a goal to be zero emissions by 2050. In order to accomplish this ambitious, yet necessary, goal they have chosen to push automobile manufacturers to think innovatively by phasing out petroleum powered vehicles. The government of Canada recently established a deadline for all automobile manufacturers in Canada to become […]
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Go Green This Halloween

Eco-Friendly Halloween

Fall is a fun time of year with the emerging colder weather, fun-coloured decorations and of course, Halloween. Families across the country will be gearing up their kids to go trick-or-treating in their neighbourhoods collecting candy from door to door on Oct 31st. While this tradition is one of the most fun of the year, […]
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Rubbish That Can Be Recycled

The Ban of Single Use Plastics in Canada

In fall of 2020, the Canadian Government released their plan to ban all single use plastics from the consumer market by 2022. With the rise in plastic waste and use, this ban of single use plastics is an incredible step forward for the environment. Even despite the pandemic, the Government of Canada has not deviated […]
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Over consumption of electronics

The Environmental Impact of Overconsumption

Living in North America, we are very fortunate to have the luxury to buy whatever we want, whenever we want without little thought to how that purchase affects anyone or thing. We have marketing all around us to make us believe that we need the next ‘have to have’ item. With this level of in-your […]
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Fruits And Vegetables in packaging

The False Claims of Food Packaging: Recyclability and Producer Responsibility

  Packaging on food is one way that food manufacturers make their product more alluring to consumers. Whether the goal is to make it more convenient for families on the go or to actually get consumers to buy it in the first place (with colourful marketing gimmicks), food packaging is everywhere. The amount of food […]
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Locally grown food

The Local Food Movement: Why Buying Local is Best for the Environment

Did you know in this system of food globalization, food has to travel an average of 2500km before it reaches the plate of a Canadian household? This is for every meal, for every member of your household. The amount of time, packaging and fuel that goes into moving food from farm to table is naturally […]
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Water Conservation Awareness

Water Scarcity & Conservation: Ways to Save Water

  Water conservation has been a trending topic for decades. In the earliest environmental and sustainability discussions and debates, water conservation was, and continues to be, at the forefront. I think this is because water is vital to all living organisms, including ourselves, humans. Without access to fresh, clean water, we would not be able […]
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Plastic Free

Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste Through Everyday Plastic Saving Products

Plastic waste is everywhere. Plastic, of all kinds, is found in almost every product we consume as Canadians. Even if we try to avoid it, it is lurking and hiding in a lot of everyday products that we all use. From making your morning coffee, to doing your weekend laundry, consuming plastic products is unavoidable. […]
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Monarch Butterfly

Pollinators: The Most Important Creatures You Didn’t Even Know About

When most people think of pollinators, they likely think of the honeybee – the most established pollinator of its category group. Surprisingly, they are just one of many common pollinators here in Ontario that go unrecognized for stabilizing our ecosystem and food security. Pollinators are everywhere, and include animals such as bats, small mammals, butterflies […]
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